
Programmes for Effective Management Conversations

Theatre is used as a catalyst in the development of leaders
Our interactive programmes bring performance management training to life with scripted scenarios, interactive case-studies and skills practice techniques. Developed in consultation with you, tailored programmes for managers explore key attitudes, approaches and competencies that will enable effectiveness. Managing people, effective communication and handling difficult conversations are some of the aspects covered in our live and online workshops.

Enabling Effectiveness Performance Conversations Results Confidence

We design and deliver interactive performance management programmes to suit management teams at all levels, from new supervisors through to the senior leadership team. Our practical workshops have improved conversation skills in Ireland and the United Kingdom across sectors like transport, manufacturing, education, finance and also the public sector.

We employ theory to ground our theatre-based methods and consolidate management skills. We reference key tools as appropriate including the work of thought leaders and contemporary psychologists such as Daniel Kahneman, Edgar Schien, Susan Scott, Eric Beirne and William Bridges. Because our programmes use dramatised case-studies and films to engage and involve participants, we can mirror the complexities within organisations to allow deeper level learning.

Performance Management Workshop in Progress Management Training

Theory in Practice

Our workshops are delivered online or live in the room, presenting the perfect opportunity to apply theory in a practical way through our theatre-based techniques. The use of actors to enable skills practice is a proven method which can be used in a variety of situations, particularly where behaviours or competencies are being enhanced. Importantly, our approach to this method is that our professional actors play the roles so that participants need only be themselves, representing their own role or working environment. Individual development is enabled through this opportunity to practise performance management skills and receive expert feedback and coaching from our facilitators.
